Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pillowcase Dress

So I love to make pillowcase dresses. I mean I LOVE to start with fabric and end with my daughter a great new dress to wear to church. Since she is six, I think she is starting to outgrow those type dresses but she is moving on to wearing pillowcase tops! She is adorable in them and I have her trained right....when someone tells her they like her top or dress she replies with "Thanks, my mommy made it!" So far I haven't sold any based on her promotion but I have sold lots of the dresses through my own advertising. If you can sew, you can make them. They are so easy especially since I learned how to do a french seam so that there are no raw edges or whatever you call them. What I do is fully line my dress with either a white, brown or black....depending on what the main color in the exterior is. I put the right side fabrics together from one side...meaning one interior and one exterior facing each other and sew around the arm holes, the top and the bottom. I do NOT sew down the sides at this point. Then I turn the dress right side out and top stitch along where I have already sewed. I do the same with the other side. Then I lay the two sides of the dress together just as if it was complete. The interiors together. I sew a 1/4 inch seam down each side. Then trim it and flip in inside out and sew a 1/3 inch seam. Then I go up to the top and make a ribbon casing for my ribbon which is usually about 1 inch. Then I take 2 strips of 36 inch ribbon and heat seal the ends. Run them through the casing and bunch it together depending on size and stitch the ribbon still. And your done! It sounds quick but it does still take right around an hour. Sometimes I'm faster. If you want me to do a real detailed post with pictures of the process then please leave comments! I guess I need to know someone is reading.

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