The very next day after posting my perfect peace post, I am in Walmart and see some small calendars on sale for $1.00. Well I love me a small know, a mini version of those large ones not the pocket book kind. I have for years always kept one on the side of my refrigerator just so I can remember what day it is as I stand there snacking on chips or whatever. Anyways, I got me a new one at walmart the other day. At first I had one with beautiful scenes of beaches on it b/c I dare to dream. Then I saw one which also had beautiful pictures in it and said "Bible Verses, an inspirational calendar." So who could resist. I get home, open it up and hang it on my fridge. Later while I am snacking on ice cream (I can't help myself) I look over and read the bible verse on my new calendar for the month of January. It reads as follows....
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6 KJV
(she clears her throat here and ask again) So do you think he is talking to me and trying to tell me something? In all my troubles I have never came across this verse! I needed it!
That sits in my living room on a little card. Yes, the perfect piece of scripture. And...bring it on, if you are up for Easter dreses....!!
Okay, another idea. Ivey's birthday is in April, so instead of Easter maybe a birthday dress. Ivey has several items with butterflies. I saw the fabric with butterflies. What do you think? I am posting because my laptop is down so I can't get to your email address.