Monday, February 11, 2008

Update...nothing special

Tegan took a three hour nap today! Isn't that amazing!!! The only bad thing about that was that I kept just sitting there expecting him to wake up at any minute so I didn't get anything done while he was sleeping. Since he slept through one of his bottles he wanted to eat at 8:30 tonight and I gave him a little extra then he just went right off to sleep for the night. That was nice to have both kids in bed by 9:00. That is one of the goals that I am adding to try to reach each night. It gives me a little extra time at night before bed.
Tegan really hasn't changed much in his status. He will play with toys a little if placed in his hand but he still isn't reaching for anything, still not rolling over and some of the other things he should be doing. He seems to be a lot more alert and follows us so much now. He talks, girggles and screams (like a fun scream) a lot these days. It is so cute to listen to. Hopefully we will be getting the results of some of the many test that we have had done lately.

Rylee is doing great. She is such a grown up and Paul realized for the first time yesterday that there is no chance of her being a tom boy b/c she is so girly and all about her inner princess. Which I love. On top of being Hannah Montana and giving regular free concerts, she has now decided to also be a cheerleader and thinks that we should watch her do that also. Tonight I asked her to spell cat out of the blue and she did. I didn't even know that she could do that. She is an amazing little five year old going on 15. It has been said that if she acts that grown up now then we will for sure have our hands full when she is a teenager. I better let her love all over me now b/c she probably won't then!

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