Friday, April 9, 2010

The end of the day....

The end of the day for my parenting skills comes around 8:00 or 8:30 every night. Most days, that time cannot come soon enough. lately Rylee and Tegan have been going through a stage of fighting. She wants to watch tv, read or draw but Tegan doesn't like when she isn't playing with him so this whole episode blows up right in front of my face over and over again. Last week was much more pleasant b/c we would go outside and play until bath and bedtime but this week has been horrible, the pollen is so bad and has Tegan in pretty bad shape so even though it is beautiful outside, we are only enjoying it by looking out the windows. So they fight...isn't that just what kids do?? I've been very on edge lately...first there is this really hard class that I just can't seem to study enough for, then sewing, then photography and let's not forget all the other duties of a mother and wife. So When 8:30 comes and both children are finally in bed I don't want to talk....not to anyone! I just want to hear silence and not have anyone asking me for something or hitting each other. There is that last ten minutes before bedtime when I can feel myself ready to explode but I hold it in, put them to bed and have a huge sigh of relief. The end of my day is what I look forward to from the moment that I crawl out of bed in the morning, there is just something not right about that!

1 comment:

  1. Girl I feel the same way. Weldon is six years older than Ava who is four...and we have the same problem..she wants him to play, he wants to play his DSI or read....

    Then you feel guilty when you look forward to when they are asleep and when they are asleep and all peaceful you feel guilty that you didn't spend more time with them....the list goes on...

