Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New projects...

Although I am still dedicated to making my diaper bags, tote bags and handbags, time seems to be limited b/c my dear sweet boy will not nap during the day but in maybe two 20 minute stretches so I haven't been able to do much sewing. I have been slowly teaching myself to make pillow case dresses and tops. When I say slowly....I mean slowly b/c it is taking me about one week to do just one dress b/c not only will Tegan not sleep but he thinks I can't be out of his sight and it's hard to get to the sewing area I need to be in and still be in his line of vision. Anyways here are a couple of pictures of some projects I have done. The Georgia one I ended up taking a pair of pants that had started getting to short for Rylee but still fit in the waist and just extended them with a ruffle along the bottom.

Please ignore the fact that it is March and there is still a Happy Holidays rug at my front door. And no, that rug is not from this Christmas but has been there since Christmas 2006. What can I say, it's a really good rug!

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