Monday, January 31, 2011
Happy Monday
The weekend in Georgia was so beautiful and has done nothing but give everyone spring fever. Today we woke up to a rainy day but at least it isn't that cold today (that would be the silver lining).
School hasn't been as easy as I thought and I am having to drop one of my classes partly b/c I can't figure out what the heck is going on in there and partly b/c I just need to be able to pick Tegan up from preschool and not have to ask someone else to do it that one day a week. But no fear my friends, I still have 2 classes that are online and if you think that is easy you have never had to teach yourself all about Greek God's, Egypt, Christianity, etc.
Looks like I am going to be a for real soccer mom. Our little lady has decided to finally play something sporty and has asked to play spring soccer. I'm excited about it now but we will talk again later after I have to drag her to all the practices and games b/c she will realize that you must run when playing soccer and you might sweat a little...the two things she hates to do the most!!
Tegan got a Woody doll at Wal-mart the other day. That will require a post all its own!
Hope you all had a great weekend and that you have a great week!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tegan has been one lucky little boy when dealing with Nystagmus. So far it doesn't really affect his vision which is usually the case. He has great depth perception which is also a big issue for Nystagmus patients. His eyes have slowed down a lot as he has gotten older and there are times that you can't even tell that he has an issue. But then there is the head tilt. To see things in the distance or that are not right in front of his face he has to tilt his head to the left, look out the corners of his eyes to the right and up a little. This is called his Null point...the point where he can control his eyes, stop them from moving and see.
Yesterday we took him for his eye appointment at Emory Healthcare. The Dr. has presented us with two surgeries that may help Tegan and help his issues with the head tilt. Although the surgery has nothing to do with helping him to control his eyes it will end up helping him with that. The first surgery is OUT OF THE QUESTION in my mind. The second is something called the Kestenbaum Surgery. They will literally go in to his eye sockets and turn his eyeballs. They will turn them to the point where his null point will then be looking straight forward instead of him having to tilt his head. If they can do this then it may also help with the movement but that isn't promised. It is a pretty big deal to have this surgery b/c it can be so great or it can not help at all or it can go really wrong.
Here is our dilemma...Tegan is this perfect happy little boy right now. He is healthy and has no issues . It is hard to put your kid through a surgery when they seem so OK right now. But then there is the head tilt. I fear the meanness of kids as he gets older. I don't want him picked on for having that tilt. But even more so I don't want him to start to develop neck and/or back problems due to the tilt. It is such a hard decision to make. The Dr. is very nice but she isn't a very confident Dr. and that is something that I look for in a Dr. that will be cutting in to my sons eye sockets!!! My husband isn't thrilled about the idea of surgery and he doesn't see any reason to consider it right now but I feel differently. I feel like it should be done before he starts big kid school and before other kids really start to point it out. I wish I knew what the best answer was and mostly wish I could find just one person who has had this done and what they think about it now! I hate making decisions like this!
Monday, January 24, 2011
the SAT
We had to write out a certification statement on the back of our test. It was one sentence and had to be wrote in cursive. No lie it took some of these kids 20 minutes to write that one sentence b/c they had no idea how to write in cursive. I was shocked.
After the test was over my sweet body reminded me just how old I am as I could barely move from sitting there for 4 1/2 hours. My knees didn't want to let me walk down the front steps of the school. I had teenagers blowing past me...perky and care free while running to their brand new cars that Mommy and Daddy bought them. When I finally got back to my car I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. was over and I was back in my own bubble. I hope I never have to do that again.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Baptism
Friday, January 14, 2011
Ice Ice Baby
I love my kids...I really do but all this together time after just having all that together time around Christmas is nearly killing me. They are bored and after the first day could care less about going out in the snow. They are fighting with each other like crazy. We all have short tempers right now. I haven't gotten a lick of school work done. Every time I clean the house it is destroyed in 15 minutes. I am just ready for us to go back to our routine and move on from the white stuff. Is that to much to ask??
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
8 Years Already....
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Weather Man Was Right!!!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
25 Ways to Win With People
1. Start With Yourself – King Solomon (I Kings 3:5-14)
Friday, January 7, 2011
My Take on Birthday Parties
I'm going to be real on this and not sugar coat it....I dislike Birthday Parties! I hate giving them, worrying about them, going to them, the whole deal!! When giving them they are full of nothing but stress and emptying out my pockets. In fact since Rylee's birthday is right after Christmas, every year for almost 8 years I have used every dime of my very own Christmas money to throw her a birthday party.
Let's face the facts: When giving them they are expensive and stressful. When going to them they are always right dead in the middle of the afternoon. That is exactly why we will be throwing Rylee the biggest birthday party she has every had:) Seriously...she wanted school friends and family so we have set up to have it somewhere other than my house (thankgoodness). The only good thing about this is that we are doing it in the morning and it will make her very happy.
On my side of the family alone there are 12 grandkids with one on the way (including my two) and on Paul's side there are 3 grandkids (including mine). So if we only get invited to birthday parties for the nieces and nephews and throw our own parties for our kids that means we automatically attend 13 birthday parties a year. Throw in the birthday parties that both kids get invited to and you have every other weekend booked up with birthday parties. Of the family birthdays there are 3 in Jan., 1 in Feb, 1 in April, 2 in May, 1 in June, 1 in July, 3 in August and 1 in November. I have been working on my sisters, brothers and sister-in-laws for forever to maybe cut out all the birthday parties b/c it has become impossible. So far only one has agreed but only for her older kids (she has six) and yet she is still having what we call an un-birthday party:) I can't resist but to tell you what an un-birthday party is. It is a birthday party where she says "We will be at Chuck-E-Cheese at 10 am on Saturday morning, if you would like to come them fine if not then..." . That sentence should be finished with "I will be mad at you and not come to your kids party" but instead that part is left up in the air. So anyways you get to go to an un-birthday party where you still bring a present and pay your own way!!! Love it! No seriously I love it b/c since it is an un-birthday party you are not technically obligated to go (although I am ) and when she gets mad at you for not going you can say "but you said it didn't matter".
I don't say all this so that my kids never get invited to another birthday party again. I'm just venting out the stresses of being in the throws of planning a sweet sixteen birthday party for my soon to be eight year old. Surely I am not the only mother that feels this way. There has to be a better way to celebrate and enjoy your own kids birthdays. A way that makes it special for them but doesn't break the bank for a very unfulfilled day of running around like a chicken with your head cut off.
We have talked to Rylee and told her this is the last big birthday party we plan to have for her. This time next year she will be turning nine and she doesn't need the whole big happenings of a birthday party. Instead the plan from that birthday forward will be that she can either pick somewhere to go and we will take her to do whatever she wants...kind of like a birthday DAY but just us. I have had others tell me this is what they do and that the kids seem to enjoy it so much more than a big huge party. Or she can invite a friend and I will take them to the movies. Now if only I can use that whole "I'm not doing birthday parties so you shouldn't do birthday parties" thing and convince my siblings that my way is best.
My next big mission is convincing Tegan that age three was the cut off for boys to have big birthday parties:)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
It Is Mine...Not Yours!
It is my house, not yours. Before you judge others let me put something in perspective for you, we are not well off but we live within our means. While you have the big house and more than likely the big house payment to go along with it, I have the small house without that payment. While you drive the brand new nice car, I drive my older vehicle with NO CAR PAYMENT! While your kid has everything they can ever dream of, I am teaching my kid that simple is better and having everything handed to you is not going to make you happy. Is there anything wrong with having the nice house, nice cars and giving your kids everything they want...No! But you do it your way and I do it mine. This takes me back to the whole "You just never know" thing that I say. Just as if you don't know what other people are going through you also shouldn't judge others based on what they have because they may just have a hefty savings that will see them through in hard times. They may just be waiting to get what they really want in the long run but doing it their way.
I am working very hard to be content where I am at because one thing is is not promised to be here tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Push and Pull
1. I have felt a push (along with my husband) to try another church but every time we decide to do it something gets in our way and our hearts pull us back. As a kid when I would go to church with my friends and all the adults knew that kids name I always wanted to be that kid. I wanted to be the kid that all the grown ups knew but I never was b/c we didn't go to church growing up. I love our church, I love our preacher and I love that everybody knows everybody and especially that I can trust them with my kids. I do however lack a fire...not sure what it is but I'm just not getting it.
2. I have committed with hundreds of hours of class time to pursue a career in the medical field. I feel like that is what I am suppose to do but then I will feel that pull back. The pull that tells me that I will work odd hospital shift hours and will miss some holidays and some of my kids events. Then I will feel the push that tells me this is something I have always wanted to do and the bonus of making great money doesn't hurt. See my dilemma??
3. Teg and preschool. At this point we are paying a large amount of money for him to go to preschool from 8 to 12 everyday. In fact we are paying $300 which is worth every penny b/c this is the very best preschool ever. The problem is that I am not really doing anything in the mornings and there is really nothing to justify sending him instead of saving that $300 a month. I'm very indecisive about this one. I feel the push to send him and the pull to be able to afford to eat:)
What got me thinking today about the push and pull issues in my own life is that when I was leaving class this afternoon I saw a little boy about 5 or 6 sitting in the car with the schools security guard there and a policeman just waiting. I realized what was happening right off the bat. Someone just went in to class and left their kid in the car. My first concern was for the boy. He looked scared but even more so worried while he kept getting up on his knees to look out the window for his mom, dad or caretaker. I have been in classes before where people have had no other choice but to bring their kid(s) with them to class but I have also been in classes before where a big test was coming up that you can't miss and the teachers refused to let someone bring their kid in so they could take the test. I'm sure people feel this with their jobs...if your in a tough spot you feel like you have to go to work to stay in good standing at your job but at the same time if your kid gets sick or they don't have school that day they really need you. There are lots of classes at my college that you can miss and be fine but there are also lots of classes that if you miss just one you will never catch up. I should have sat and waited on the persons reaction when they came out and saw the police standing by their car with their child in it but I didn't. I would never leave my kids in the car to go to class but I do see how it happens. Lots of people are quick to judge someone for doing that but here you have someone going to school and trying to do better to provide for their kids and has no other option b/c around here school is still out today so they couldn't very well send them to school while they went to class. Its all about the sacrifices we have to make and also how we don't know other people situation so we should take a moment to feel sympathy and not anger toward others!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Don't Blink
Anyway I just can't believe that this past year is over. It was thankfully one of the less eventful years that we have had in a very long time. I went to school the whole year (that's a first), Teg started preschool and my husband FINALLY found a new job. I would say that 2010 was a great year and I have no complaints. In fact I think by having a low key year it has really helped to heal us from all the stuff that has happened in the previous years. I am so praying for 2011 (I wrote 2012 the first time I typed that:) to be the same. I am looking forward to applying to my programs for school and determined to pray myself right in to one or five of them.
Sadly our kids will turn 8 and 4 this year and we will be celebrating 10 years of marriage. I just can't believe how fast time has gone by and can't help but fear at how quickly the rest of my life will go. I am so afraid to blink b/c I know that every time I do I am missing something.
As with every new year I always make resolutions that NEVER happen but this year I am calling them goals. It just doesn't seem right to not make some kind of goal for the year so even if it doesn't happen at least I had good intentions. So here they are:
1. Cut down on how often I tell my kids "No I can't play right now", "I'm busy" or "Maybe later". I am so broken hearted that Ry is turning 8 soon and even more broken hearted to think of how many times I have said those three phrases to her!
2. Cut down on my computer time. Such as facebook and reading other peoples blogs:)
3. Teach Tegan how to talk with an inside voice. No joke, I thought he had a hearing problem but the Dr laughed at me when I mentioned it to him. He is so loud that it just cuts like a knife sometimes. Nothing is a secret when it is being repeated by Teg. I love that kid but he got that straight from my Daddy!
So that's it. Nothing that can't be achieved. I always say I need more hours in the day and I'm pretty sure I can find them if my face isn't stuck in the computer all the time! I am cutting out 75% of my computer time while the kids are awake and plan to mostly get on during nap time and after bedtime. I say only 75% b/c I do have 2 completely online classes this quarter and one that is half online and half on campus so to think that I won't be on the computer at all is a little unrealistic.
I don't know what it is about the New Year that makes us feel like anything is possible and like we are getting a fresh start but I do feel that way and I pray that you make the changes you need to make before it is to late to go back! Hope the new year was safe for everyone and praising God for the great year I have ahead of me!!!