Thursday, February 4, 2010

Big Yellow...

or orange yellow. Anyways, my little lady has been asking since the beginning of the school year to be able to ride the school bus in the afternoons. My answer was no no no...end of story!!! Well after much debate and thought I decided to do it. Tegan has been fighting me about taking a nap everyday which makes for a long afternoon and an even longer night. Most days he would finally be settling down to go to sleep and I would have to wake him up to go pick up Rylee. We would make the 10 minute drive and then sit there in a long line. Now I am not one of those people that get there super early to get in the front of the line. In fact, school gets out at 2:40 and I leave my house at 2:40 so I don't have to sit nearly as long as those people toward the front of the line that get there at like 1:45. But was a process. To make matters worse, 4 out of 5 days we would get stuck behind the bus on the way home...the same bus she would be on. So yesterday I called the school, found out the bus driver and changed her from a car rider to a bus rider. I have to admit this was the perfect day to start it. It is cold and rainy here in Georgia and Tegan fought me tooth and nail about taking a nap. He settled down as always at 2:35 but today I got to let him sleep AND didn't have to put on real clothes to venture out to get her. Of course she acts like it is no big deal and nothing to it but I was all ready to hear about her trip home. Rylee:"Mom, it's just a school bus!" Yeap that pretty much sums it up. All that worry and torturing myself the past year and a half for nothing!!! So my little girl is officially a bus rider....sigh!

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