Monday, October 6, 2008

Not Me Monday!

Last week I did not have to call poison control b/c Tegan was caught sucking on a liquid plug-in that he himself removed from the wall. If this event would have occurred, it for sure would not have happened while I was watching Oprah about a family addicted to drugs and wondering how they took care of their 18 month old son and thinking how they probably don't watch him like they should.....Not Me!
If said event would have happened I would have felt much better when the lady at poison control laughed and reassured me that this is one of the most popular calls they get.

But since this did not happen to me....I'm the Mother of the week!


  1. Oh, I am glad he is okay..
    I love your header..

  2. Been there, done's scary what they can get into so quickly!

  3. Love your Not Me post!! It happens to the best of us!!

  4. Oh my. Those things never crossed my mind...and having a little blind girl wandering around the house. Guess that's it for Oprah and the airfreshners....

  5. Oh NO!!!! That must be like the time my Hunk did not get into the teething tablets and come out looking like a rabid dog. No, that didn't happen over here.

    Little ones! :)
