What's that....it isn't Halloween anymore? My how the days are flying by. The weekend before Halloween we went on a little pumpkin patch adventure to Jaemore Farms. So much fun and really enjoyed this farm. It didn't hurt that they had awesome ice cream. Here are a few pictures from our afternoon there... Totally impossible to get Tegan to look at the camera but when he does, he smiles and scrunches his eyes closed.
The above picture is our view from the hayride.
Then there was Halloween. We decided to trick-or-treat a day early like a lot of people in our area since Halloween was on a Sunday. We did more driving than candy grabbing but no worries, there is more than enough candy to stick to my hips. Tegan was pretty much over it after the first two stops. I'm pretty sure that he thinks hunting is trick-or-treating:) Rylee was the reason we went trick-or-treating but she kind of lost her steam early too. Thankfully she has agreed to next year just get all dressed up and us do something fun for her and Teg at home. Sort of like a Halloween themed egg hunt?? We will see if that sticks for next year.
I love the picture of Riley striking a pose, too beautiful!