Friday, January 30, 2009

Hi! My name is Tabatha and I am addicted

to Facebook. It is so hard not to look at it all the time. It's a way to catch up on people you went to school with, worked with, etc....but yet you don't really have to talk to them. Ha! It takes me back to kindergarten b/c you have to ask people to be your friend just so you can be nosey and view their page. Will you be my friend, check yes or no? Anyways I did this whole 25 random things post about myself on there b/c everyone was doing it so why not! Just like high school isn't it!
So I thought I would post it on here for all my blogger friends to read.

1. I am trying to be a great Christian but I’m still in the learning process.

2. I truly learned the power of prayer while praying over Tegan and his healing when he had developmental delays. It worked!

3. I love my husband very much. He is a great father and husband but lets face it, he is still a man! (J/K)

4. Rylee and Tegan are my heart and soul.

5. I have way more patience with Tegan than I do with Rylee. I’m not sure why but I’m working on it.

6. I am very structured with my kids. They eat, take a bath and go to bed the same time every night if I can help it. When they were babies they always stayed on the eat every three hours schedule. Not a minute earlier and I would panic if they were late eating b/c it would throw everything else off. I was obsessed and drove my husband nuts!

7. I think I have very ugly feet but who cares, I wear flip flops all summer anyways.

8. I have a son named Cohen waiting for me in heaven.

9. I have a weakness for break and bake cookies. The bad part is I cook them about 3 times a week after the kids are in bed so that I can enjoy them.

10. I wish I would have stayed in college ten years ago!!!! If only I knew then what I know now.

11. I have a son with an incurable eye condition called Nystagmus. It may have slowed him down in the beginning but it sure doesn’t now. The added bonus is he cuts his eyes to look at you and it looks like he is flirting!

12. I love the smell of laundry detergent. I mean I really love the smell!!!

13. I am totally addicted to the Internet. When my Internet goes out (or my computer gets struck by lightening) I panic. I have to have the Internet.

14. I have a family blog that I update often with info and pics of my family. It’s sort of like my virtual scrapbook b/c I just can’t seem to get in to real scarp booking.

15. I am addicted to reading other peoples blogs. I love to see a little about how other peoples lives work. I especially love to read a few that have quads. I can’t hardly do it with two….I don’t know how they do it with four.

16. I love to sew and just so happen to make a little money from it too. I have an online shop where I sell my stuff

17. I absolutely have to give my kids a bath every single night right before bed. Even if we didn’t leave the house that whole day. I can’t stand the thought of them going to bed without a bath.

18. I haven’t worked in almost two years but that time is coming to an end and I am very sad about it. (sniff, sniff)

19. I am allergic to pregnancy! Four pregnancies, two living children.

20. I don’t know what I would do without my best friend. My hubby makes fun of us b/c we are constantly emailing or calling each other. It was so much fun to be pregnant together! She has been my number one go to person for everything, especially when I lost Cohen.

21. I hate when my hot food gets cold. This is why I hate buffets, potlucks, etc… I just won’t eat it if it isn’t still hot.

22. I don’t eat any meat that is on a bone. I eat chicken but not chicken on a bone.

23. I hate clutter but I am probably the most cluttered person you will ever meet. I have a hard time putting stuff back where it goes. But every now and then I get in this huge decluttering mood and every thing goes!

24. I met my husband on a blind date (thanks Chrissy) on Sept 4, four months later we got in engaged on Dec. 30 and less than three months after that we were married on March 24. We only knew each other for 7 months!!!!

25. I am a self proclaimed GERMAPHOBE! I am a germ freak. I hate to shake hands, I don’t touch door handles if I can avoid it, I don’t use a pen at Wal-Mart that everyone else has touched, I hate for people to touch my kids period….I think you get the idea! It consumes me. If someone I have been around in the last five days comes down with a virus, I immediately feel nausea's. This is a curse….especially since I see Rylee picking up on my habits. She already pulls her shirt sleeve over her hands before opening a door and she knows to use a paper towel to turn the water off in a public bathroom after washing her hands. This is also why I hate buffets b/c I hate touching the utensils everyone else has.

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