Friday, February 29, 2008
She doesn't look sick...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What would have been but isn't....
I am so glad that I have Rylee and Tegan to love. If any good has come out of losing Cohen it has been that I realize how precious my other two children are.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Happy 1/2 Birthday Tegan!!!!
Rylee had to go for a possible urinary tract infection which she has but they couldn't tell if it was just that or also a kidney infection so they sent her urine off to be tested further and will call us tomorrow about getting her antibiotics.
On a lighter note, last night Tegan kept rolling from his back to his belly and for the first time me and Paul actually got to see him roll from his belly back to his back. I was so excited to see that although it looked like more of an accident but that's o.k. with me.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A little lesson on PRUNES....
So since Tegan eats so much cereal in his bottles and is now eating baby food his dirty diapers have become not so dirty and a little harder to come by. It's almost like his whole digestive track has already changed. So Sunday night I decided that I was going to feed him some prunes to sort of help him out a little. Well I didn't really expect him to like them so I had planned to try to get him to eat half of a jar and then give him something else for the other half of his meal. But he loved the prunes....he loved them so much that he ate the whole jar. What was I thinking??? Yesterday the boy began pooping and they were very dirty....very, very dirty and stinky. To the point that even though he had a clean diaper you could still smell it all day so once he had several dirty diapers like that and I thought he was done, I had to give him a bath. He was so happy that he could go to the bathroom without all that grunting. Unfortunately for my mom, she caught the worst of it b/c she was keeping him yesterday morning. It has been five years since I did the baby food thing with Rylee so I really did forget that giving him the whole jar probably wasn't a good idea. But needless to say it worked and he is a happy camper. Now so far today.....nothing yet so let's hope he doesn't have to have prunes daily to help him out.
End disclaimer!
On a different note the weekend was pretty busy. I think we stayed home on Friday night although I can't really remember. Saturday I went to the grocery store that morning all by myself. I was so proud of that. Then that night Paul wanted to go with his family to eat at a fish house in Cornelia, Baldwin, Clarkesville....something like that, I'm not sure where we went. Tegan almost freaked out a few times b/c it was loud in there but I stayed in his line of vision and he did great besides spitting up all over me which then went all down my shirt sleeve on the inside of it running down my arm. Then Rylee took a big drink of her milk and turned to talk to me and either forgot to close her mouth or just didn't care b/c her milk then went down the other side of me. Then I was turning Tegan around and he grabbed Rylee's straw on the rest of her milk which then landed in the floor all over the bottom of my pants and all over my shoes...did I mention I was wearing crocs with the open holes on the top. Then Sunday morning we went to church where Tegan and his little friend talked to each other across the whole church during church. That is way better than crying I guess. Paul is a bad influence on him and kept trying to make him laugh out loud...that is the last time Paul holds him during church. I went ahead and gave both children an early afternoon bath and while getting out of the tub Rylee started screaming and crying and saying her back hurt, she was very squirmy and seemed to really be in pain. So I thought I was about to take her to the hospital but she wouldn't let me get her dressed b/c she said it hurt so bad. No she didn't hit it or anything so I'm not sure what was going on but after a few minutes it started to pass and she has been fine ever since. Then Sunday afternoon we went to celebrate my dad's "38th" (whatever) birthday with him at Red Lobster. Dad denies his age and would kill me if I told you what it really was. Then Sunday night we went to bed fairly early where I then laid and looked at the clock until almost 5 am Monday morning. It was one of those restless, I can't go to sleep nights. So after finally falling asleep at around 5 am, Tegan woke up at 6:30 and that was that. Of course Rylee actually slept all night long on the one night I couldn't sleep. Needless to say I got a great nights sleep last night. Tomorrow both kids have Dr.'s appointments, Tegan for his six month check-up and Rylee for a possible urinary tract or kidney infection, so I should have some good weight updates for Tegan.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
He is hitting milestones!!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Welcome back to the real world
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a different note.....MY BOY FINALLY ROLLED OVER! Could this be the start of something bet! He is about to start catching up I just know it. Of course I tried and tried to get him to do it again but he didn't even try. I know this is the easy way for a baby to roll over but he has never even pushed up with his arms or really do anything while on his belly so I am just so excited. He does roll up on his side when laying on his back and try to roll over but hasn't been successful. He is well on his way. I just hope when he rolls over the next time that somebody witnesses it.
Monday, February 18, 2008
He got approved!!!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Getting what he wants...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Fresh Air....
Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Law of Attraction part lll
"Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24
It is impossible to feel bad and have good thoughts at the same time.
Like attracts like.
There is a part in the book where it talks about weight. This is just an example but it says that there is a misunderstanding that food causes you to be over weight. It is not saying that you should run around stuffing your face and eating whatever you want but in some ways it is saying that we should all be able to eat what we want and not be unhappy with our bodies. When you eat you should eat and enjoy your meal...not let your mind wonder about other things. You should not think thoughts of hating your body but yet get comfortable for who you are. It says to figure out what would be your perfect realistic, a 250 lb person shouldn't say they want to become 115 lbs right away but yet a weight that is more acheiveable and will make them happy and feel better about themselves. You should find a picture of a body that you would like to have and imagine yourself not only looking that way but feeling as good as you think you would feel after losing those extra lbs. Then you should not buy clothes for your size now but yet save the money with full intentions of using it on new clothes when you hit your new perfect weight. Stop thinking about being overweight b/c that is what you attract. Think about being healthy and at your perfect weight. Don't think about how you will get there but yet just think about the outcome b/c the work will take care of its self. This is just one example it talks about but it also talks about other a new house. If you want a new house then you should always be looking for it whether you can afford it or not and be open to the idea that you will have one of these houses soon. You have to get excited about the things you want as if you know they are on their way to you. That is the best way to keep yourself open to these things and ready to recieve them.
I don't know if this is all confusing or not but it is the best way I can take the last 75 pages I have read and bring it down to one blog. All I know is that I am constantly telling myself that I am happy, healthy, well, energetic and blessed. Instead of thinking about hurting or being sick or so tired that I have felt like I couldn't move. I must say, the change in my thinking seems to be making a huge difference in me!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Not Sew much fun....
Sorry it's sideways but does this look like the face of a sick little girl or a little girl who was just happy to get a day out of school. Just kidding....she really can't breath!
Boy it is cloudy outside. Here comes the rain!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Update...nothing special
Tegan really hasn't changed much in his status. He will play with toys a little if placed in his hand but he still isn't reaching for anything, still not rolling over and some of the other things he should be doing. He seems to be a lot more alert and follows us so much now. He talks, girggles and screams (like a fun scream) a lot these days. It is so cute to listen to. Hopefully we will be getting the results of some of the many test that we have had done lately.
Rylee is doing great. She is such a grown up and Paul realized for the first time yesterday that there is no chance of her being a tom boy b/c she is so girly and all about her inner princess. Which I love. On top of being Hannah Montana and giving regular free concerts, she has now decided to also be a cheerleader and thinks that we should watch her do that also. Tonight I asked her to spell cat out of the blue and she did. I didn't even know that she could do that. She is an amazing little five year old going on 15. It has been said that if she acts that grown up now then we will for sure have our hands full when she is a teenager. I better let her love all over me now b/c she probably won't then!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
This is the behind shot of him doing his version of "tummy time"
This is him after tummy time and exercise time. He loves this blanket and when given to him during nap time he likes to pull it up to his face and go to sleep.
O.k. so I had to take a picture.....this is a picture of the very first time in the five months that Tegan has been with us that the germaphobe mom (that would be me) allowed Rylee to actually touch his hand! She was so proud she insisted on me taking a picture.
Rylee was dancing on the coffee table.
Yes, Daddy and Tegan are laying on a very girly pink blanket for play time.
Law of Attraction Part ll
While reading this you become greatly aware of how many negative thoughts we really do have at all times and it makes you wonder....could this be true.
It gives the example of laws, no not your running a red light laws but laws like the law of gravity. If you are falling off of a 10 story building, the law of gravity does not care if you are a good person or a bad person, that law just knows you are falling and that's that. So say when we think, I don't want to get sick, the law of attraction doesn't understand that you don't want to get sick, it interprets it as I want sickness. Does that make sense? Imagine yourself on a daily basis with abundance....the great job, family, health, wealth, house, car, etc....Whatever it is that you want and believe in it and know that if you think it and believe it then it will come to you.
"Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life."
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Law of Attraction
So this morning I tested my theory out....I was tired and well, lazy and didn't want to do anything so I started thinking about what it would be like to get out of the shower and my kitchen be clean and laundry done. It was disappointing when that didn't exactly happen but I got a burst of energy and began cleaning and here it is 2:00 and my kitchen is clean and all the sheets in the house have been washed. So even though I hate to admit it maybe Paul is right, we need to change our thinking and let God give us the gifts that he wants to give us and stop fighting these gifts by being negative and thinking negative. Maybe good things haven't happened to us over the past two years b/c we keep thinking "What Next?"
I know some of you think this post is crazy but I am going to read the book and also another book that Oprah has recommended called "A New Earth" and follow the steps and change what's in my heart and mind and test the theory! I will blog about it on a regular basis and I will take pictures once I complete my visualization board.....I want so many things that I may need many boards! By wanting things I don't mean all material, I mean Health, energy, worry free, etc.... and maybe a few material things!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Yet more birthdays...
Another big day
I think the stress is getting to me. I haven't felt well today with a lot of stomach cramping and just so weak and tired feeling but I'm starting to feel better this afternoon. Luckily Paul has been home to help with Tegan!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Just when you think she forgot...
Ok so I am learning that my digital camera is not the best way to video b/c most of the videos turn out pretty dark once on the computer. When you listen to the video just listen closley to the beginning when Rylee is talking to Tegan and listen to what she says. She mentions Cohen, which was unexpected. Other than that it was really cute to catch her just talking to him and I don't know if you can tell or not but Tegan kept smiling at her while she talked.
Oh, for those of you who read that does not know me, Cohen is our baby angel that we had half way through our pregnancy. Just a couple of short months later we became pregnant with Tegan.